238: How To Develop Real Self-Confidence

Published: June 15, 2022, 12:41 a.m.


\\u201cConfidence is your being, it is what you are.\\u201d


On today\\u2019s episode of SoulTalk, I share skills on How to Develop Real Self-Confidence. Something we have been conditioned to seek outside of ourselves through external validation. But this is a dead end path.

Listen to a refreshing perspective on how to develop authentic self-confidence that comes from connecting with the deeper dimension of your being.


In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • A simple and sustainable guide to develop your self-confidence.
  • How to break the habit of seeking validation outside of yourself.
  • How to develop a positive perception about yourself
  • How to connect to the most authentic source of your being .
  • How meditation can help improve your confidence.

Some Questions I Ask:

  • What is real self-confidence?
  • Why are well-known guides and techniques to build self-confidence ineffective?
  • Is your self-confidence based on your capacity to accomplish goals?
  • What happens if you don\\u2019t accomplish your goals?
  • How do we navigate fear while building self-confidence?



"Ego, in and of itself, is not the issue. It\'s your relationship with it.\\u201d





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