183: How to Write A Best-Selling Book

Published: June 29, 2021, 7:53 a.m.


\\u201cA book gives you an opportunity to express your soul, an opportunity to express what you\\u2019ve learned.\\u201d

Episode Summary: Have you ever felt the urge to write a book? Have you ever felt the world needs to read your story? If you answered yes to these questions, then this week\\u2019s episode is for you. I will be sharing some tips and advice on how to write a best-selling book. If you want to be that best-seller and make your mark in this world, listen to this episode. You will be inspired.


In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • A key reason and what it means to write a book.
  • The 3 important steps to be inspired to write your best-selling book.
  • How to motivate yourself to sit down and write.
  • Communication techniques that will help you in the writing production process.
  • The most important lesson - How to follow your soul while writing your book.


Some Questions That I Ask:

  • What are some things to note before starting to write a book?
  • What are the reasons why people do not follow through when they begin writing?
  • What is the importance of feedback in writing a book?
  • Do we need to give ourselves timelines in writing a book?
  • What are the repercussions for writing for the wrong reasons?