09: How To Deal With Failure, Grow and Find The Gift

Published: May 9, 2018, 2:54 a.m.


\\u201cIt\\u2019s often right before a big breakthrough that many times you face a breakdown.\\u201d

Episode Summary:

When you invest so much of your time and energy into a relationship or project or vision, and it doesn\\u2019t work out, it can be a huge disappointment, even heartbreaking. In this episode, I share some key insights to help you re-define this so-called \'failure\', and\\xa0help you grow through all the feelings that come with it to then find the gift of wisdom needed to recommit to your truth and forge ahead with a renewed sense of inspiration.

Some Questions I Ask:

  • Why do dreams not manifest?
  • How do you deal when things don\\u2019t go according to plan?
  • Is what you think you want, what you really want?
  • What if there wasn\\u2019t such thing as failure?

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • A new, more enlightened, definition of \\u2018failure\\u2019.
  • Important Keys to working through \\u2018failure\\u2019 and re-aligning with your true calling.
  • Questions to ask yourself that will support you in recommitting to your vision in the most challenging times.
  • Why getting what you want will not necessarily make you happy.
  • Why timing is important when it comes to fulfilling your dreams.
  • How things not working out the way you want can be a gift from the Universe.