Let's Talk...Nutrition with a Nurse!

Published: Feb. 22, 2021, 11 a.m.

You don't love your body! Know how I know that? Because I don't! Sorry I didn't mean to make it about me. But forreal most people don't. Why is that? This week hosts Alissa and Courtney get into the thick of it, exploring why we don't always stick with healthy options, learning what we can do better, and our very first guest Jamey gives the girls their challenge for the week bro! It's gonna be an explosive episode! So put on your friggin hard hat chumps, and let's learn to love ourselves babayyyyy! 

We do want to emphasize to please consult your personal doctor or nutritionist before making any major changes to your diet. No one knows what your personal needs are better than yourself and your doctor.

Want to join in the challenge? Head over to Instagram @smilingthroughtheconfusion to let us know! DM us anytime with any questions, comments, or ideas for new episodes. We'd love to hear from you!