La Leyenda del Chupacabras

Published: Feb. 7, 2021, 4 p.m.

b'This third season of Simple Stories in Spanish is focusing on legends. Few Hispanic legends have spread as far as the rather recently discovered \\u201cchupacabras. Formed from the words \\u201cchupa\\u201d, meaning \\u201csucks\\u201d and \\u201ccabras\\u201d, meaning goats, this legendary creature sucks the blood of animals and leaves their corpses behind. I hope you enjoy today\\u2019s overview of the legend of \\u201cel chupacabras\\u201d.This legend is told in the past tense. Repeated words and phrases include \\u201cchupa\\u201d (sucks), \\u201csangre\\u201d (blood), \\u201c...'