Ep 364: The Awesome Power of Letting Go

Published: Oct. 19, 2020, 10:58 p.m.


Acceptance of what is happening, as it\\u2019s happening is often the difference between showing up as our authentic, creatively dynamic self and showing up as our stressed-out survival self.


Of course, in almost every situation, our dynamically creative self will yield more favorable results in our lives.


In the same way, letting go is a powerful tool we can use to align with this dynamically creative self.


Most of the fear, and the limiting stress it causes in our bodies, is brought on by the comparison of what is to \\u2018what is supposed to be.\\u2019


But much of these ideas of how things \\u2018are supposed to be\\u2019 are determined by unconscious programming that comes from our very early years or even from generations that came before us.


When we examine these and allow ourselves to let go of them, we release ourselves from the fear and limiting stress and then we can truly show up for our lives.


Are you interested in learning how to let go?

