Lifestyle for feeling good, energized, productive through quiet not diet!

Published: March 28, 2022, 11 p.m.


Podcast with Laurie Lewis

I\\u2019m excited to have Laurie Lewis on the shine podcast today- we\\u2019re going to chat all about health today! Laurie is an intermittent fasting coach and author and has such an inspiring story of her own, so thank you so much Laurie for chatting with me today!\\xa0

I\\u2019d really love to hear your story, though I know a little of it now, will you dive into what sparked and shifted your health journey for you and why fasting has been such a huge part of that?

I\\u2019m sure by now most people know what IF is, but will you explain it just in case for those who aren\\u2019t sure\\xa0

How has this lifestyle and not just a diet shown to be an effective way for maintaining health and also sustainable?

What are some advantages of IF?

What\\u2019s one of the biggest changes in people you\\u2019ve worked with and helped that you love seeing? Like I know you have talked about brain fog lifting, clarity, or staying on track and of course weight loss but what\\u2019s something you notice pretty quickly in clients?

What is the root cause of most people\\u2019s challenge with their weight loss and health?

So I know my window might look different than other people\\u2019s eating window am I right? Here\\u2019s my example

Feel like it\\u2019s such a good thing to listen to our bodies like really listen? For me, I automatically fast in the mornings and work well until about lunch time- and I found if I eat a good first meal, the rest of the day is MUCH easier comparitively if my first meal doesn\\u2019t have a good protein/fat/carb balance\\xa0

I did a bikini competition and then switched to powerlifting and after damage to my metabolism, it has been a HARD road to finding what works, and fasting automatically came easier rather than some information out there to force that breakfast right away.\\xa0

Tell me about the customization\\xa0

What are some tangible ways people can start today to make that shift if they\\u2019re not sure if it\\u2019s right for them?

I just heard this quote that momentum is proceeded by clarity- which I think is such a huge reason people don\\u2019t just start!- Of course you are an invaluable resource for IF but what are some resources or inspiration pages you might suggest to someone just starting?

I know you offer coaching- will you talk about what you offer and how we can find you and follow you?\\xa0

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