Questions that nobody asked us (7)

Published: May 26, 2022, 11 a.m.

b'Another round of questions nobody asked us. Nique and Ress take a look at a question about dating apps with the ability to rate your date after, would you be down for this? One user asked if its weird to not care to keep in contact with family members you haven\\u2019t seen in over 20 years . A dad struggles with telling his children the truth about his mental health struggles, is it better to hide it from your kids or is this an opportunity to build trust and normalize talks about mental health in our community? A wife struggles with depression after her husband drunkenly tells her he\\u2019s not in love anymore, could you just bypass these comments once they\\u2019re sober? And when you decide to break up with somebody? Is it preplanned or are you more of an on the spot kind of person?'