If youre going to leave , leave...

Published: Oct. 30, 2022, 11 a.m.

b'In today\\u2019s episode Ashley and Ress discuss breakups. The daunting task of actually leaving , but also the reason\\u2019s people linger around while being emotionally absent. While one person is putting in their all , the other may be making emotional deposits in whole new situations. What does that emotional push and pull do to both parties involved? The duo discusses the temporary discomfort in leaving and all the messiness that comes with it. We have a detailed conversation recognizing that love is not an obligation and what it\\u2019s like to not be held captive by your emotions - The importance of learning to how to move based on what\\u2019s in your emotional best interest. We\\u2019ll say it again for those in the back, its ok to leave. But if you\\u2019re going to leave? Leave.'