Are Doctors Overworked?

Published: March 13, 2023, 6 a.m.


On this episode of Shaping Success with Wes Tankersley, Wes goes solo discussing the state of healthcare in Idaho.\\xa0 He\\u2019s been dealing with sinus issues all his life but most recently for a year.\\xa0 He talks about his path to success in seeking a solution.

Eight years ago, Wes had sinus surgery. Three years after the surgery, he started to have sinus infections again about 3 times a year. He got tested for allergies and was allergic to everything for which he was tested. He took the allergy shots for one year, but there was no relief. He still got sinus infections. Wes talks about how in his area in Idaho it\\u2019s difficult to get in to see a doctor. They will just send people to the urgent care for antibiotics over and over, and that is what the doctors did to him.\\xa0

His allergist sent him to an ENT who recommended surgery. However, there was a derailment because the ENT ended up passing away from COVID. He was sent to another ENT who said he doesn\\u2019t need surgery and should start allergy shots again not believing Wes was doing them long enough.\\xa0 Since Wes is a success maker, he got a third opinion from another ENT who looked at the CT scan Wes had done and told him he only needs to rinse the sinuses. No medication needed.\\xa0

Wes was frustrated, but still pressed on seeing his family doctor again for help. Luckily, his family doctor is willing to help him figure out the course of action. He advises Wes to stop all medications and try the sinus rinse.\\xa0

Wes and his family doctor discussed the state of healthcare in the area. The doctor said that doctors are understaffed and overworked because of the tremendous growth in the area. There aren\\u2019t enough doctors to treat the population.\\xa0

Wes switches gears and talks about how he wants to help people through his podcast. Wes builds his success by reaching out to people every day. He reaches out to regular, everyday people as well as celebrities. He\\u2019s had Chris Henderson from 3 Doors Down on the podcast as well as Jake Rose, lead singer for New Medicine. Through hard work, Wes says anything is possible. You just need to do the work. You need to put yourself out there. Life is about connections.

Negative people who put others down are easy to find. People need to find the good people who will support, and lift up each other. They are hard to find.\\xa0 Wes says if people don\\u2019t have positive people in their lives, read self-help and inspiring books. Start the day of on the right foot by doing something positive. Wes is 194 days in working out every day.\\xa0 It doesn\\u2019t matter how you get there. Just move forward.

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