616: Larry Ludlow - A Libertarian Teacher Walks Into A Public School...

Published: June 26, 2019, 4:53 p.m.

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Larry Ludlow first tried his hand at teaching in the Detroit public schools, the very same year I entered first grade. After quickly realizing he was in a dangerous, toxic and anti-education environment Larry moved on to the private sector where he enjoyed a successful 35-year career. Now semi-retired, Larry has re-certified and returned to the system (with a political and educational philosophy he didn't hold his first time around) to teach high school Latin. We discuss what has changed over the past four decades, and what ideas Larry feels a liberty-minded individual should be trying to smuggle into the public schools. Recorded on Saturday June 22nd at the Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest. Want to stay in the loop on our upcoming Virtual Summit Series? Visit THE UN-IVERSITY Use "SCHOOLSUCKS" for your invite code!

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