567: Noah Tetzner - The Unschooler Podcast Star

Published: June 13, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

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Noah Tetzner is 17. He left school last year to embrace unschooling (it was his mother's idea!) and just a couple of months ago he launched The History of Vikings Podcast. The show was almost immediately successful; Noah has been invited to join a history podcast network, the show has thousands of listeners, he has made great connections with other historians of the Norseman and he is already being asked as a guest on other shows. Noah joins me today to talk about his passion for unschooling, how school destroys creative thinking, and how his life has blossomed away from school. He told me "between being in a school for 8 hours a day and all of the homework, it was impossible for me to spend time learning about the things that I was truly passionate about. I knew what I wanted to do with my future, but instead of chasing after my dreams and pursuing my future I was forced to sit in an institution and listen to countless lectures about things that were in no way of benefit to my life, and my future." Noah is also a School Sucks listener. Discussion: - Noah's educational and schooling history and why he became an unschooler - new opportunities to be an apprentice at a Real Estate firm and to launch a podcast - Noah's approach to the podcast and his plans for the future - How did he become interested in history, and why did he focus in on the viking - The myths of the vikings in history; what was daily life like for Vikings? - Mythology, what was the people's relationship to the gods?

Shows On the Benefits of Being An Unschooler

[PODCAST] #544: Peter Gray (Part Three) – A Future of Self-Directed Education [PODCAST] #101: Unschooling Liberty – The Halldorsons and the Unschool Bus [PODCAST] #208: Whole Parents – With Dayna Martin [PODCAST] #511: James Davis – Forced Learning Is Too Dangerous

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