560: Find Your Focus (Zak Slayback, Part 1) - First Deschool Yourself

Published: April 23, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

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Part One of Two Zak Slayback returns for a marathon discussion on how to set and make progress towards meaningful personal and professional goals. Recorded April 9th in Pittsburgh, PA in the studio of good friend Andrew Mercer. I was really happy Andrew joined us; he added some great stories and thoughtful questions related to his own productivity journey. This first conversation focuses on deschooling - how to unlearn and discard certain limiting beliefs that interfere with professional success and fulfillment. In the next installment we'll go into detail on Zak's "Ambition Mapping" process for goal setting. We start with some updates on Zak; since his last appearance on the show he left Praxis and he now works for himself as a business and career consultant. He focuses on helping young professionals learn the skills school never taught, including building networks, written and verbal communication and self-teaching. Zak believes that deschooling yourself is an essential first step in the process of learning how to set and achieve meaningful goals. We also discuss: - Imposed structure vs Organic Structure (being schooled vs. being self-directed) - Why Zak doesn't like the intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation framework - Motivation and willpower - Setting up "machines" - automating essential personal/professional processes Related Shows: [PODCAST] #401: Setting and Achieving Goals (1 of 2) – Attitudes, Obstacles and Mistakes [PODCAST] #402: Setting and Achieving Goals (2 of 2) – Ten Tips For Success [PODCAST] #454: Building A Credential Better Than the College Degree, With Zak Slayback

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