547: Building Your Own Credential and Career (Derek Magill, Part Two)

Published: March 5, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

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Part Two of Two, Please Make Sure You Heard Part One! As as follow up to our conversation on dropping out of college, Derek Magill and I explore how to "build your own credential" in lieu of a degree. Derek explains why he believes such a self-directed credential is superior to the four-year degree, and he illustrates how you go on to signal that credential in the market. Derek is just twenty-four years old, but he is already enjoying great success as an entrepreneur, freelancer and writer. He also currently serves as the Director of Marketing for Praxis. Derek dropped out of the University of Michigan during his sophomore year because he "was not finding the experience valuable towards (his) intellectual and professional goals." He adds: "Over the last four years or so, my decision to leave has been vindicated. I’ve got a wonderful life, a great career, and I’ve gotten to spend 3-4 extra years pursuing my values on my own terms." Also discussed: - don't let your interests "sit in study mode" - How did Derek land a Director of Marketing job in your early 20s? - Creating your own job "build a digital paper trail" - the limits of resumes - How to establish your online presence Derek also answers the following listener questions: (thank you Michael Erwin) What limits does he see to the Praxis model? As in, industries, careers, and further development. What blowback has he experienced in trying to build these partnerships with businesses/startups in regards to their attitude to non-degreed candidates and replacing the college credential (at least for the Praxis participants)? What has he learned in building Praxis that those older in life and career could benefit from? What struggles have there been with government and establishment ed in building Praxis, specifically in the frame of it being a college alternative? Related Shows: [PODCAST] #499: Successful Dropout – With Kylon Gienger (Part 1 of 2) [PODCAST] #503: Successful Dropout – With Kylon Gienger (Part 2 of 2) [PODCAST] #454: Building A Credential Better Than the College Degree, With Zak Slayback

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