366c: CONSPIRA-THON (Part Three) - Space Invaders

Published: Aug. 6, 2015, 3:07 p.m.

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Stephanie Murphy and Brian Sovryn are in the School Sucks studio for a free-form, extended discussion on the topic of conspiracy theories. In this third installment... - Do you believe in UFOs? - Brett's UFO hoax - Project Blue Beam and Wehrner von Braun - New reasons why Ancient Aliens sucks - Zecharia Sitchin, the Anunaki and the genetic engineering of the human race - Could we actually be alone in the universe? - Nephilim, men of renown - the utility of studying certain conspiracy theories - did George HW Bush kill JFK? - or was it Marilyn Monroe? - Bigfoot (why not?) Look Closer: Sovryn Tech Podcast - https://soundcloud.com/sovryntech Stephanie Murphy: Website - http://www.smvoice.info/ The 5 Stages of Grief - http://psychcentral.com/lib/the-5-stages-of-loss-and-grief/ Empire of Conspiracy: The Culture of Paranoia in Postwar America - http://www.amazon.com/Empire-Conspiracy-Culture-Paranoia-Postwar/dp/0801486068