360a: The Dawn of Freedom - Part One - "Shrink and Grow"

Published: July 6, 2015, 3:06 a.m.

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Part one of the 4.5-hour Freedom Feens aftershow from the first morning of Porcfest XII. With Brett, Derrick J. Freeman, M.K. Lords, Davi Barker and live studio audience members who are eager to participate. [Approx. 3:30am to 4:51am] - A ridiculous conversation about our ideal superpowers and their potential downsides. We move into a brief exploration of UFO abductions and then we tell each other some jokes. Then...bird wars? Davi: DaviBarker.com Derrick: TheDerrickJ.com/ M.K.: Extremely in between… Feens: FreedomFeens.com