302: FREE A/V - Outlines, Thick vs. Thin Libertarians, Cantwell and Conspiracies (With Thaddeus, Antigone and Carlos)

Published: Aug. 15, 2014, 1:18 p.m.

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WARNING: Very strong language. A new feature: Twice monthly, School Sucks will release a piece of premium content in the podcast feed. You can access hundreds of hours of additional audio and video by signing up for the A/V Club. This is the third installment: Audio of the After School Sucks Special from 6-13-14, with Thaddeus Russell, Antigone Darling and Carlos Morales "Life is too short for Alex Jones." - Thaddeus Russell Discussed: -Evernote vs. outlines -Thad's dangerous "freedom of slavery" argument -Public relations -Chris Cantwell -Porcfest -Cathy Reisenwitz -Thin vs. thick libertarianism -Thad's impressions of Ayn Rand -Lew Rockwell and Alex Jones -The New World Order and the Progressive agenda -9/11 truth -Rothbard: Wall Street, Banks and American Foreign Policy Look Closer: Thick and thin libertarianism - http://wikibin.org/articles/thick-and-thin-libertarianism.html Libertarianism: Thick and Thin, By Matt Zwolinski - http://bleedingheartlibertarians.com/2011/12/libertarianism-thick-and-thin/ C4SS: Tag - Thick Libertarianism - http://c4ss.org/content/tag/thick-libertarianism