254: Compulsory Schooling In Revolutionary Times (with Jeffrey Tucker)

Published: Jan. 5, 2014, 4:49 p.m.

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Today's podcast is made up of two long out-takes from a five-hour live show Osborne and I recorded on 1/3/14. I asked Jeffrey Tucker to join us to discuss the new Martin Scorsese film, The Wolf of Wall Street. This podcast includes everything but the discussion of the film, which will follow in the next show. -are we living in revolutionary times? -Jeffrey's optimism and my cynicism -New Project: Liberty.me -how the state and schools distort the market -the state/corporate/finance web -Compulsory Schooling -child labor -the next 10 years -Bitcoin -Hare hats Look Closer: Liberty.me Indiegogo Campaign - http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/liberty-me--2 Laissez Faire Books - http://lfb.org/ Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy By Murray N. Rothbard - http://www.lewrockwell.com/1970/01/murray-n-rothbard/wall-street-wars/