212: A Modern History of Youth Bashing - With Mike Males

Published: April 27, 2013, 4:53 p.m.

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Author, sociologist and outspoken youth advocate Mike Males joins me share his insights on the social, political and cultural problem of blaming, shaming and framing youth. I have referenced his work several times in the past, and it was a pleasure to have him on the show. Questions/Discussion topics: -Genesis and purpose of your work: -Have you examined this problem of scapegoating youth in other cultures? -Trends you've noticed? Ebbs and flows? Is this attack on youth getting more intense? -Is a lot of this problem attributable to the win-lose environment of politics? -The generalized fear of change -The selfish and myopic Baby-boomers -Loss of empathy for their child self -"age-dualism" -How does your political outlook inform your work? -profitability of institutionalized youth -Do you see Individualism /self-interest as dirty words? -Lowering the voting age? What is the call to action for young people, towards a solution? What is the call to action for concerned adults? Bumper Music: "Wandering Child" Government Mule Look Closer: National Youth Rights Association - http://www.youthrights.org/ Youth Facts - http://youthfacts.org/ CIRCLE - http://www.civicyouth.org/ The Scapegoat Generation: America's War on Adolescents - http://www.amazon.com/The-Scapegoat-Generation-Americas-Adolescents/dp/1567510809