Team Swap Day - Skateboarders Go Snowboarding

Published: Dec. 12, 2009, 4:19 p.m.

Pride and ego have long fueled the debate between who's better: skateboarders or snowboarders.

On this episode of Team Swap, the skateboarders put their money where their mouths are and head to the slopes of Winter Park. But can they hold their own? Will the snowboarders be able to conquer the underdog skate team?

And who at the end of the day will be crowned... MVP? The answers are all right here.

Featuring: (in order of appearance)
Charles Masque
Orion Krynen
Seth Bruce
Alex Haskin
Mike Mazzotta
Ben Manheimer
Andrew Burns
Isaiah Woodworth
Jake Reed
Bobby Flannigan
Ryan Simpson
Mark Kelsic
James Frederick
Jackson Fowler
Alex Cutler

Filmed by: Eric Maldin and Raul Pinto
Edited by: Ryan Simpson