What is Your Biggest Challenge in Sales?

Published: Feb. 4, 2020, 3 p.m.

b"The reason we have this podcast is to help each other get better. And we know that if we help each other, we can help others. But we don't get better if we don't talk about the things holding us back.\\n\\nIn episode 28, the Sales Throwdown team lays everything out on the table. We each have our own struggles, our own challenges, and our own fears. And these things can hold us back if we let it.\\n\\nWhile we talk about what we struggle with, we talk to each other about how each of us can overcome these challenges. This is what makes DISC really helpful. Our separate viewpoints can be eye opening to somebody from another corner. \\n\\nSo what are your biggest challenges? What is holding you back from crushing your sales goals? Let us know because we'd love to talk about it. If it's a challenge for you, it's definitely a challenge for somebody else too. \\nAnd if you\\u2019re not sure where you fit in the DISC personality spectrum and want to find out, let us know. We can get a DISC personality assessment for yourself or for your team. Email us at assessment@salesthrowdown.com for more information. \\n\\nSign up for our emails: https://www.salesthrowdown.com/\\n\\nConnect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Salesthrowdown\\n\\nCheck us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/salesthrowdown/\\n\\nAnd keep up with us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalesThrowdown"