Using DISC to Shift Your Focus in Sales

Published: May 12, 2020, 2 p.m.

b"For our fourth episode of the new Live Lunch Break format, we talked about how DISC can help you shift your focus in sales.\\n\\nAfter checking in with everybody's week, the conversation shifts to the things we've started looking at to keep our pipelines full. Things we didn't put as much thought into in the past.\\n\\nBecause of the way things have changed, shifting your focus may be important to your ability to thrive right now. \\n\\nCommunication has always been key in sales, but it continues to grow in importance when our ways of communicating are changing, maybe permanently.\\n\\nAnd the strengths from your DISC profile or the profiles of your team could help you significantly with that shift. \\n\\nIf you haven't taken a full DISC assessment and would like to know more about those strengths, email us at It can make all the difference for both you and your team!\\n\\n\\u2705 Sign up for our emails:\\n\\n\\u2705 Connect with us on Facebook:\\n\\n\\u2705 Check us out on Instagram:\\n\\n\\u2705 And keep up with us on Twitter:"