Recognizing DISC in Prospects

Published: March 24, 2020, 2 p.m.

b"Communication is the most important thing in sales. Without great communication, all of the other aspects of a sales transaction fall by the wayside.\\n\\nBut how do you know the best way to communicate with somebody you just met?\\n\\nThat's where DISC comes in. \\n\\nThe more you know about your own profile, and the more times you practice and roleplay sales situations, the quicker you will get about picking up other people's DISC profiles. \\n\\nBut there are ways you can learn to do it even before all that experience and practice.\\n\\nIf bonding and rapport is a struggle for you, or you have trouble figuring out how to talk to some people, this episode is here to help.\\n\\nAnd if you\\u2019re not sure where you fit in the DISC personality spectrum and want to find out, let us know. We can get a DISC personality assessment for you or for your whole team. Email us at for more information. \\n\\n\\nAnd be sure to enter our giveaway for a FREE DISC assessment at\\n\\n\\u2705 Sign up for our emails:\\n\\n\\u2705 Connect with us on Facebook:\\n\\n\\u2705 Check us out on Instagram:\\n\\n\\u2705 And keep up with us on Twitter:"