Networking in Sales: Different People, Different Approaches

Published: Dec. 3, 2019, 3 p.m.

b"Networking. You either love it or you hate it. \\n\\nOr you may think you don't have to do it.\\n\\nBut the Sales Throwdown team quickly show that there are many ways of networking. So you might be doing it without even realizing it. But are you doing it in the best way possible? (Also, you should probably be doing it in some way. Just saying.)\\n\\nIn episode 18, we talk about how each of us networks. We all do it a little differently. We don't even think about what networking is the same way. But we've all learned ways to maximize our success with our different approaches.\\n\\nSome of the differences are because of our DISC personality profiles. And some of our differences are because of our very different industries. So there should be at least one or two things that anybody can take away from this episode and start utilizing in their own networking process. \\n\\nLeave a comment or ask a question. Ask a bunch of questions. \\nHonest reviews help us get better; we want them all - good or bad.\\n\\nSign up for our emails:\\n\\nConnect with us on Facebook:\\n\\nCheck us out on Instagram:\\n\\nAnd keep up with us on Twitter:"