How to Talk About Money in Sales Conversations

Published: Oct. 22, 2019, 2 p.m.

b"Most of us were taught to NEVER talk about it.\\n\\nMost people cringe having to ask about it. \\n\\nBut if you're a salesperson, it's unavoidable. And it shouldn't be taboo! At least not in business.\\n\\nThis week, we discuss how to talk about money and budget in sales conversations. \\n\\nWhile it makes some people uncomfortable, it is unfair to both you and your potential clients to not get the money conversation out of the way in the very beginning of the business relationship. \\n\\nIt has taken some time and practice, but knowing DISC has helped each one of us in the Sales Throwdown team a lot in figuring out the best way to have this potentially awkward conversation with people. There are ways of approaching the subject without scaring potential clients away and not finding out what you both need to know until it's too late. \\n\\nLeave a comment or ask a question. Ask a bunch of questions. \\nHonest reviews help us get better; we want them all - good or bad.\\n\\nSign up for our emails:\\n\\nConnect with us on Facebook:\\n\\nCheck us out on Instagram:\\n\\nAnd keep up with us on Twitter:"