How to Say No in Sales Conversations

Published: Oct. 29, 2019, 2 p.m.

b"It may be hard to imagine that you're going to have to turn clients away. But sometimes, you do.\\n\\nIn this episode, we discuss when and how to say no to clients and prospects in sales conversations. \\n\\nAnd this very important subject is being discussed because of a conversation that Clint had with one of our awesome listeners, Brian. (Thanks, Brian!)\\n\\nWe also get to hear about a difficult situation in Clint's career. \\n\\nLong story short, somebody who is not a salesperson brought in a potential client without Clint's knowledge or oversight, and Clint has to figure out how to navigate this unexpected occurrence and turn it into a win for the company.\\n\\nOr not.\\n\\nHe is particularly good at figuring out if a client is right for them and vice versa. So even after the time that has already been spent on them, he may have to go for the no if the fit isn't right on both sides. \\n\\nAlthough the theme in this episode isn't as clear cut as usual, there are a lot of great nuggets to take away.\\n\\nWe discuss how difficult it can be to ask the questions that can lead us to having to say no to clients. And it's uncomfortable. \\n\\nBut it's more important to say no in the right situations than it is to say yes to a bad fit.\\n\\nBecause we are all in different corners of the DISC spectrum, we have different ways of tackling this. Luckily, with the work we've done on learning about our personality profiles and our experience, we're now in a place where we can usually handle this smoothly and painlessly.\\n\\nAnd even after saying no, we've gotten to a place where we may still be able to provide value to these clients, even if we can't work with them. \\n\\nLeave a comment or ask a question. Ask a bunch of questions. \\nHonest reviews help us get better; we want them all - good or bad.\\n\\n\\U0001f538Sign up for our emails:\\n\\n\\U0001f538Connect with us on Facebook:\\n\\n\\U0001f538Check us out on Instagram:\\n\\n\\U0001f538And keep up with us on Twitter:"