How COVID-19 Affects Your Sales Process

Published: March 17, 2020, 2 p.m.

b"We're living in uncertain times right now. We don't really know what the near future holds for any of us in any industry.\\n\\nSo how is that going to affect your sales?\\n\\nSome of you might be in industries that aren't heavily affected by COVID-19. But as the uncertainty grows and the fear spreads, almost everybody will probably be feeling it in some way.\\n\\nWhile this is especially relevant right now, knowing how to continue (and maybe even thrive) in sales during a crisis, whether it's global or more personal, will help you be prepared for the unknown. \\n\\nThis week, we talk about how COVID-19 is affecting us and what we're doing about it. Or what we're planning on doing, because again, it's all a little shaky right now. \\n\\nBut we're in this together. If you don't know how you're going to handle it or how you might be affected, reach out. Either email us or leave a comment. Maybe we can all help each other through this.\\n\\nAnd please, stay safe and wash your hands. \\n\\nIf you'd like more information about DISC assessments, email us at\\n\\n\\u2705 Sign up for our emails:\\n\\n\\u2705 Connect with us on Facebook:\\n\\n\\u2705 Check us out on Instagram:\\n\\n\\u2705 And keep up with us on Twitter:"