Hiring Salespeople with DISC

Published: March 31, 2020, 2 p.m.

b"Hiring new people can be expensive, time-consuming, and unpredictable. \\n\\nBut using DISC, no matter what your hiring process looks like, can help to eliminate at least one of those issues. \\n\\nWhen you know where you and your team are on the DISC personality spectrum, you'll have a better understanding of where a new hire needs to be to best accommodate their role and their place within your team.\\n\\nAnd while DISC is not always black and white, it's a solid starting point during the interviewing and hiring process. \\n\\nIn this episode, we discuss our different reasons for using and evaluating the DISC profiles of new hires, in sales or other roles. \\n\\nIf you're a sales manager or leader and your team hasn't taken DISC assessments yet, you might be amazed at how much things will improve when you know where everybody falls on the spectrum. And they'll have the opportunity to learn more about themselves, which is vital to their future success. No matter how big or small your team is, we can get assessments for everybody. Email us at assessment@salesthrowdown.com for more information.\\n\\n\\u2705 Sign up for our emails: https://www.salesthrowdown.com/\\n\\n\\u2705 Connect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Salesthrowdown\\n\\n\\u2705 Check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/salesthrowdown/\\n\\n\\u2705 And keep up with us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalesThrowdown"