Changing Your Process in Sales During COVID-19

Published: April 28, 2020, 2 p.m.

b"This is our second Live Lunch Break episode. \\n\\nThis week, we focused on what changes you might need right now if you're in sales during COVID-19, and how to know when you can transition back to normal. \\n\\nWe took some questions and shared some great nuggets from our fans. \\n\\nIf you want to catch us live, we'll be back on Facebook Live every Friday at 12:00 pm CST. Follow Sales Throwdown so you don't miss it!\\n\\nIn addition to the DISC assessment, we have another awesome assessment that highlights your strengths in leadership during times of crisis. It's completely free to take. If you're interested in either one or both, email us at\\n\\n\\u2705 Sign up for our emails:\\n\\n\\u2705 Connect with us on Facebook:\\n\\n\\u2705 Check us out on Instagram:\\n\\n\\u2705 And keep up with us on Twitter:"