Building Trust and Having Skepticism in Sales

Published: Feb. 11, 2020, 3 p.m.

b"In Episode 29 on Sales Throwdown, we're taking some of the past concepts we've discussed and going a little deeper.\\n\\nWe've talked about how important it is to build trust and have bonding and rapport with our future and current clients. But does building trust go both ways?\\n\\nAs salespeople, we're aware of how often people lie to us to get us off the phone or off their doorstep. Literally and figuratively. So it's hard not to be skeptical when talking to somebody new.\\n\\nSo how can we, as salespeople, get better at building trust while having skepticism in what the other person is saying? \\n\\nOur obviously different DISC personality traits are on full display in this episode. And that's great because we can help each other deal with these issues. And through helping each other, we hope that it helps you too. \\n \\nSo do you deal with skepticism in your sales role? If so, how have you learned to build trust despite that? Let us know in reviews or send us a message on our website. \\n\\nAnd if you\\u2019re not sure where you fit in the DISC personality spectrum and want to find out, let us know. We can get a DISC personality assessment for you or for your team. Email us at for more information. \\n\\nSign up for our emails:\\n\\nConnect with us on Facebook:\\n\\nCheck us out on Instagram:\\n\\nAnd keep up with us on Twitter:"