Ep206: Change and Change Managers, with Gilbert Kruidenier

Published: Aug. 31, 2023, 4:26 a.m.


Ep206: Change and Change Managers, with Gilbert Kruidenier

Full Show Notes: https://safetyontap.com/ep206


Change! It\'s the only thing that stays the same in health and safety.\\xa0 Today\'s guest is a professional change manager, though the label doesn\'t entirely capture what he does and how he does it.\\xa0


Hey, it\\u2019s Andrew, and this is Safety on Tap.\\xa0


Since you\'re listening in, you must be a leader wanting to grow yourself and drastically improve health and safety along the way.\\xa0 Welcome to you, you\'re in the right place.\\xa0 If this is your first time listening in, thanks for joining us and well done for trying something different to improve! And of course welcome back to all of you wonderful regular listeners.


Gilbert Kruidenier is my guest today.\\xa0 He has worked all over the world in operations, process improvement, and change, which seems to be where he adds the most value, because that\\u2019s why his phone keeps ringing.\\xa0 In some ways, for many of you, he is also a window into the future, designing his work around projects rather than permanent roles.\\xa0 He is a university lecturer on change, a leader in the Change Management Institute here in Australia, and co-author of the book \'Bad Change: 50 ways change doesn\'t work and 266 tips to make things better!\'


This conversation is a little longer than my usual interviews.\\xa0 I\'m sorry if that doesn\'t fit into your commute or gym session, but I\'m not sorry \'cos of how interesting and useful this conversation was, and we barely scratched the surface.\\xa0


Here\'s Gilbert:

