Hoyt - Boston- 2017

Published: March 3, 2017, 9:35 p.m.

Hello my friends, This is Chris.  I know, you’re used to hearing my voice and may be taken aback to see it coming out of my actual face, but I wanted to talk to you.  On April 17th of this year I’ll be running my 19th Boston Marathon.  My training’s going well – I should be able to give it a respectable effort.  And, of course, I’m running for Team Hoyt this year.  If you don’t know the story of the Hoyts, on a fateful day in 1979 rick Hoyt, who is about my age now and told his dad, Dick, that he wanted to run a local 5 miler.  That started an amazing story of Dick pushing Rick in his wheelchair through thousands of races.  Marathons, ironmans and in the process they broke barriers for the disabled in all walks of life.  They became heroes to a generation of athletes. So I’m asking for your help.  This isn’t to support me, or even the Hoyts, or even the 100’s of disabled athletes they encourage.  This is you and me supporting dreaming the impossible This is you and me supporting the courage to make a difference This is you and me creating a world that You and I want to live in.    There should be a link to my crowdrise page here somewhere. I’d appreciate donations of any size.  Thank you And I’ll see you out there.