Episode 3-279 - Lisa Hamilton the Conscious Runner

Published: Dec. 26, 2013, 4:48 p.m.

The RunRunLive 3.0 Podcast Episode 3-279 - Lisa Hamilton the Conscious Runner lisaRunning(Audio: link) [audio:http://www.RunRunLive.com/PodcastEpisodes/epi3279.mp3] Link epi3279.mp3 Support RunRunLive; Purchase an audio book of running stories.  Written and performed with love by Chris Russell  ------------->>>>>>>http://bit.ly/1cH2Fr7<<<<<<<----------- Introductory Comments: Your kiss, once sharp and thrilling, now comforts me. Hello my friends.  Hope your holidays are going well. Today we have a conversation with one of my online running friends Lisa Hamilton.  We talk about commitment and training and a myriad of topics that might be interesting to you. In section one we will discuss 7 tips for positive change in the New Year. In section two I’m going to talk you through my barefoot big iron workout. It’s been a relatively easy week and I haven’t been traveling.  The big news is that I completed my December marathon of the month.  Like I said I would, after Tecumseh got canceled, I created my own marathon around my home town of Groton Mass and ran it last Saturday. I managed to talk a bunch of people into running some of it with me and my old Boston training friend Brian, (code name silent assassin from the Goon Squad) went the distance with me! It was actually an interesting social science experiment.  When I announced I was running and asked for company a couple other folks came forward as well who had never run the distance and wanted to run with us.  I managed to talk one high school kid out of it.  Another young lady hung with us through 17 or so but we think she DNF’ed because her car was gone when we got back. I had 6 people join me at some point.  One friend jumped in for 5k, two more jumped in for 10k, one lady did a bit more than a ½ marathon, Ryan hung with us for 17, we lost the other young lady around 17 and Brian and I finished the marathon. After we posted our finishing pictures we got a bunch of people who said “we want to join you next year!”  It just goes to show you that you don’t need permission to do something epic.  Do it and they will come. The weather ended up being in the 40’s and overcast so we wore shorts.  I wore my new Nathan 4 bottle hydration belt – which I’ll have to write a review on at some point.  It carries 4 8oz bottles and it rides great – no bounce at all.  I had 3 bottles of GenuCan and I drank one every 10k for energy. That worked well.  I talked two people who lived along the course to set up impromptu water stops at 10k and 15 miles.  With the weather unseasonably warm Brian and I both agreed we could have used one more water stop in the high miles.  At the end we modified the course on the fly to swing by our cars for some more water around mile 23.5. We went slow and took lots of breaks.  Brian had just under 4 hours of running time on his watch and I had about 4:22 with stops.  The last 10k was pretty hard with some big hills and a busy road but I felt really strong.  No power failures.  No pain. GrotonMarathonI told Brian that we should finish based on my Garmin because mine was reading almost a full ½ mile shorter than his.  But, he said if he was going to run this far and upload the miles he was going to run until his watch said 26.2.   I ended up logging 26.6 on my watch. I made finisher medals out of Christmas ornaments strung on shoelaces with “First Annual Groton Marathon” writer on them in sharpie! My legs were tired but nothing hurt and as a training run I find this very encouraging.  Hopefully I’ve turned the corner on fitness with this big base-building phase I’m going through.  Last year I wasn’t even running, so I’m pretty happy with my world in general. Enjoy the moment folks, this may be as good as it gets! On with the show! Section one: Tips for positive change in the new year - http://www.runrunlive.com/7-tips-for-making-positive-change-in-the-new-yearFeatured Interview: Featured Interview: Lisa Hamilton Here's a link to post to the show notes: The Conscious Runner: http://www.consciousrunner.com Bio:  Lisa is a mother, runner, happiness junkie and overall health fanatic. With her blog, The Conscious Runner, she inspires runners to awaken their spirit, live fearlessly and do what you love. Section two: The barefoot weights workout - http://www.runrunlive.com/the-barefoot-weights-workout Outro: What’s that sound?  Is it a merry elf trying to get into my smokestack?  Where’s my ninja sword? That’s breaking and entering! Hope you all have a safe and happy time in your winter solstice mythology celebration of choice.  I know I will enjoy the time spent with my family. Next show is going to be a chat with our old friend Dave McGillivray about what we can expect at this year’s Boston Marathon. I’ll be gearing up for the Waco Marathon in Texas on January 26th with my friend Ryan and the New Orleans Marathon the next weekend with Eric. footgooI have a couple product reviews for you.  Kind of a funny story…this guy hits me up on Twitter and asks me if I have blister problems and would I like some FootGoo to try.  I say “No, I never have blister problems but you can send it to me if you want.”  So he sends a tube and I try it out on my long runs.  He asks “How did you like it?” and I say “I still don’t have blisters…” But, anyhow, let me explain what the product is.  It’s a lubricant/cream that you put on your trouble spots on your feet to prevent blisters.  It comes in a tube with a knubbly topped applicator intended to allow you to spread it in your feet like toothpaste I guess.  The lube itself is white and much thicker than normal lube.  I imagine this consistency helps it last longer on your runs.  I included a link in the show notes if blisters are a problem for you. https://www.footkinetics.com/products/ The second thing is the Salomon shoes that they sent me last month.  I haven’t been running in them but I have been wearing them during the day and I quite like them.  They are light and feel great on my feet.  I discovered the tread patter is awesome in snow and ice.  They have the non-lace, synch lacing so you don’t have to tie or untie them – which is awesome for me because I take my shoes off and put them on a lot during the day.  And they are cool looking. resizeImageI checked them out on the Salomon website and they are classified as “Door to Trail” shoes – sort of a hiking-running-cross training hybrid.  They are called XR CrossMax and there is a link and a picture in the notes. http://www.salomon.com/us/product/xr-crossmax-2-w.html Thanks for coming along with me again this week.  We are up to 280 total shows and it’s about time for me to change format again. ;) Any thoughts on something new and compelling we can do with the RunRunLive franchise to make it compelling for you and rewarding for me?  What do you think?  I modern poetry newsletter?  A light hearted review blog on Gregorian Chants?  A Latin syntax primer?  A stock option tax code review?  Don’t laugh, I had to actually explain that one to some folks this week. Seriously, when you get home hug everyone, including the dog for 20 seconds.  It doesn’t count unless you hold it for 20 seconds. See you soon, Chris,   Outro Bumper Thanks for listening folks I appreciate your support.  RunRunLive is a free service for you because I like writing and telling stories. I also love to meet folks so feel free to reach out to me at Gmail or any of the other social networking sites.  I’m CYKTRussell.  And as you know that’s Chris-Yellow-King-Tom-Russell with two Esses and two Ell’s. My Website is http://www.runrunlive.com and most if not all of this content is posted out there.   If you want the show notes to magically show up in your inbox when I publish a show in a beautiful HTML wrapper you can subscribe to the mailing list at my site.  It’s a useful thing if you are moved by something I say and would like to see if what I wrote is the same thing! It also has all the links to everything and everyone I talk to and about. Other than that, thank you for your attention, do epic stuff and let me know if I can help. Ciao Happy Song – Super Hero - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Superhero Other products from Chris Russell you may be interested in The Mid-Packer’s Lament On Amazon On Kindle On Audio (Read by the author) – http://www.runrunlive.com The Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy On Kindle Standard Links: http://www.runrunlive.com http://www.runeratti.com Http://www.coolrunning.com http://www.Grotonroadrace.com http://www.SQRR.org www.midpackerslament.com Contact: Cyktrussell At gmail and twitter and facebook and youtube Bio Chris Russell lives and trains in suburban Massachusetts with his family and Border collie Buddy.  Chris is the author of “The Mid-Packer’s Lament”, and “The Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy”, short stories on running, racing, and the human comedy of the mid-pack.  Chris writes the Runnerati Blog at www.runnerati.com.  Chris’ Podcast, RunRunLive is available on iTunes and at www.runrunlive.com. Chris also writes for CoolRunning.com (Active.com) and is a member of the Squannacook River Runners and the Goon Squad. … Tags -> Running  Podcast, podcasts for running, podcast for runners, free podcast for runners, Running Blog, marathon, triathlon, mileage, sprinting, run, track, training, running clubs, running groups, running shoes, exercise, health, 5k, running, swimming, sports, injuries, stretching, eating, jogging, biking, trail race, 5K, 10K, Ultramarathon, jogging a good exercise, road runner, jogging tips, benefits of jogging, free running, running shoes, marathon training, running, jogging, health and fitness, runners, runner, Boston qualification, Marathon BQ, Boston marathon