International Environment Day

Published: June 7, 2017, 1:25 p.m.

Today, Running with Rosea commemorated UN's worldwide Environment Day, which takes place every 5th of June, with their show 'Let's save the Planet'.
Nick as always presented some very relevant words, their meanings and use; manifestation, deforestation, conservation, preservation and others. Christina showed us why all materials should be recycled, how long they take to decompose and the use they could all have if we actually did recycle them. Daniela talked to us about last year's Latinamerican Green Awards for her Top List and mentioned Colombians were the winners!
And finally, Paola and Max presented their songs of the week; After the Gold Rush by Neil Young and Crazy Horse and Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell, both songs recorded in the 70's that talk about the way we humans don't take care of the planet and take for granted our only home.