Ep. 294: The Scoundrel Court

Published: July 6, 2023, 3:39 a.m.


Michael Moore celebrates our country\\u2019s birthday week by going after the Supreme Court and suggesting ways to remove the Justices who have perjured themselves, been caught talking huge sums of money from billionaires and how all six right wing Justices have committed various ethical and financial infractions \\u2014 but have not been sanctioned or removed. Oh, they\\u2019ve also taken wholesale rights away from women, the LGBTQ+ community and people of color. Plus, they\\u2019ve gutted the EPA, expanded gun \\u201crights,\\u201d and killed Biden\\u2019s student loan debt relief plan.



The Supreme Court is now the most disliked and distrusted government institution in the land. Michael goes over how their removal of the Roe v Wade decision has the vast majority of the country against them now. And enough of the righties on the court are worried about their \\u201clegacy\\u201d or their possible removal from the court. The more we organize against them, the better it will get. Time to rock this not-so-supreme boat.




For more of Michael\'s work, subscribe to his Substack at MichaelMoore.com





Check out these incredible pieces of investigative journalism mentioned in this episode covering the questionable ethics of our Supreme Court Justices:


"Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire" (ProPublica)


"\\u2060Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court\\u2060" (ProPublica)


"\\u2060At the Supreme Court, Ethics Questions Over a Spouse\\u2019s Business Ties\\u2060" (The New York Times)


"Activist group led by Ginni Thomas received nearly $600,000 in anonymous donations" (The Washington Post)


"Law firm head bought Gorsuch-owned property" (Politico)


"Justices shield spouses\\u2019 work from potential conflict of interest disclosures" (Politico)






Music in this episode:



"America the Beautiful" \\u2014\\xa0instrumental piano performed by Ray Charles



"America the Beautiful" \\u2014 performed live by Ray Charles on the Dick Cavett Show on September 18, 1972






Episode underwriter:



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Write to Mike: mike@michaelmoore.com

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