Ep. 208: The Miracle of Kabul

Published: Aug. 27, 2021, 2:20 a.m.


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Within days after the U.S. losing its longest-ever war, its new President stepped in, and in less than two weeks, evacuated thousands of Americans to safety \\u2014 and over 100,000 Afghan refugees. In the face of knowing that ISIS \\u2014 sworn enemy of both the Taliban and the Pentagon \\u2014 was planning to disrupt the peaceful evacuation in Kabul, Biden and his team organized hundreds of flights, in and out of Kabul, to Germany, Italy, Spain and four Gulf States. He ordered United, Delta and four other American airlines  to fork over 18 commercial jumbo jets to assist in the evacuation, immediately setting  up refugee housing villages at Ft. Bliss in Texas, and bases in New Jersey, Wisconsin and Virginia. And he oversaw private negotiations with the Taliban to secure as best possible the safety of every single American and Afghan refugee. The result? Not one single American or Afghan, who helped America,  has been killed by the Taliban. Not one plane shot down. And in spite of the ISIS-K suicide bombings, Biden has not flinched, not retreated, not backed down. He has forged ahead with his evacuation plan with the help of the Taliban. *The help of the Taliban!* Biden is a genius to have pulled this off.


Bernie campaigner Michael Moore, here on this episode of his RUMBLE podcast, dissects how Biden has saved tens of thousands of lives \\u2014 and his reward is to be pilloried by the same pro-war press that got us into this mess and by an American public that has turned its back on him. \\u201cWe deserve what we get,\\u201d says Mike in his blistering, spot-on defense of a President he didn\\u2019t want to vote for.



Music in the episode:


"Bring \'Em Home" - Bruce Springsteen







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