Published: Dec. 6, 2018, 6 p.m.

The GOP are no better than Russian grave robbers.  In Wisconsin, Michigan & North Carolina they attempted or are attempting to severely strip the power of the duly-elected democratic governor in those respective states. The GOP-dominant legislatures in these states have thumbed their collective noses at the popular vote in those states - wherein Democrats were/have been installed asgovernor - only to be thwarted by GOP midnight legislation designed to stifle or thwart the ability of the newly-elected Democratic governor to exercise their legally-obtained power via the ballot box. Whether it's the governor's right to appoint the State Board Of Election members, or stripping away the power of the Democratic state attorney general 's ability to handle cases wherein state law is under attack from third-party, outside litigants or to allow for adequate early voting leading up to elections, the GOP is rigging the political system to counter their losses of the governor's mansion at the ballot box. In Wisconsin, Republicans aim to limit early voting, change the date of the state’s presidential primary to help a conservative member of the Wisconsin Supreme Court win re-election, limit the governor’s ability to make certain appointments and block Gov.-elect Tony Evers from eliminating a state economic development agency. Another bill would overhaul the state’s elections boards, the latest in a long series of steps Republicans have taken to alter the voting process in the state, many of which have been turned back by federal courts. Other steps would slash currently required environmental reports and reduce regulation elsewhere. In Michigan, under Governor Rick Snyder, the Michigan legislature has taken it upon themselves to insert the legislature into the attorney general's office by crafting legislation that allows for the legislature to intervene in cases