Published: June 24, 2019, 3 a.m.

For the mentally & emotionally-challenged - Modern life is a virtual impossibility - an inexorable & existential threat. For these so-affected souls - an interdimensional intervention is provided - In the person of Donald J. Trump - the ultimate "interdimensional - in effect, a being Operating without the normal constraints that beset the 3-dimensional beings that comprise the rest of us earthlings. Trump was sent by the interdimensional beings - who exist just beyond the membrane that separates Our senses from their existence. As such, Trump is "equipped" - @ their singular direction - to instill an operational "Black-hole" effect on the human intellect wherein the light of mental illumination is snuffed out In favor of absolute darkness or an absolute void - where reason & intellect are rendered extinct. The normal laws of physics do not apply here- Einstein's applications are suspended or overridden Under these conditions - all is possible - for the boy wonder - Donald Trump - Who serves as the handmaiden of those beings outside of our time-space dimension - Beings far superior to us in many respects, notably the ability to - Bend more than space-time - but to bend the very underpinnings of stark reality. And bend, they will --- in the personage of Mr. "Bendy" himself, Donald J. Trump. All is "bent" making all that follows - from his mouth - POSSIBLE! Just as light is bent when passing through a prism - So does Donald Trump take external reality and Process it through the prism of his mind and - voila! What started out as "reality-based" becomes distorted and irretrievably warped! Trump supporters - I don't know how many times it has to be repeated - But, you are truly "bent" - beyond salvage!