Published: June 5, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

Charles Dickens wrote --- "the law is a ass" Donald Trump says ---  "the law, my ass"! Nixon v. U.S. (1974) says  ---  "you sir, (president) ARE the ass! The New York Times' shocking revelation on Saturday revealing that 2 of Trump's lawyers - (Jay Sekelow & John Dowd) - sent a 20-page memo over to the Special Counsel - Robert Mueller - and spelled out categorically that the president is at the top of everything and as such cannot be bound by anything!   Wow! The sheer assholery of this memo cannot be understated.  The absolutely abject failure of this memo to even construct an argument that would get anything higher than a D+ in any college constitutional class should not surprise anyone who has followed this dumpster-fire of a presidency!  What's even worse is that the concept of no man is above the law is given but a cursory "nod" while the text  of the memo then goes on to press the issue that the president stands "above it all" - completely unfettered. Well, amigos, if you believe any or all of that, we've been wasting our time with law courts, checks and balances and the very constitution itself.  Guess we've been doing it completely ass-backwards all of this time --- since the founding of our republic.  Well, I'm glad that has been clarified - it sure simplifies things.   Now, we can get back to our busy lives and start planning that summer vacation to the Grand Canyon and the hike down to its bottom --- that may very well be the safest place to be while in this country --- for the next year or two, at least! Is is too late for Captain America to save the day - or has that ship sailed already?