Published: Sept. 30, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

Brett Kavanaugh is a loose cannon. He certainly can't hold his liquor. He certainly can't admit to blacking out. He certainly can't admit to assaulting women & helping others do the same. He certainly can't admit that he has a belligerent, bellicose & angry demeanor when "baby" Brett doesn't get his way or doesn't have his point of view dominate! He certainly can't admit that he will DEFINITELY do away with Roe v. Wade - even though no more than 10-years ago he openly questioned whether Roe v. Wade was correctly decided? He certainly can't admit that he was coached to be more like Trump --- bombast, bellicosity, overly-aggressive & abusive --- (that last trait demonstrated by his disgraceful counterattacks on Judiciary Committee member, Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota --- herself a former prosecutor! He certainly can't admit that his absolutely god-awful reference to the Clinton's in his opening statement bespeaks volumes about his conspiracy-laden approach to life and/or politics! He certainly can't admit that were he to take a polygraph test it would surely indicate - clearly - that Brett Kavanaugh has a tenuous relationship with the truth - @ best! He certainly can't admit that the FBI ALWAYS precedes ANY supreme court nominee confirmation hearing! Brett Kavanaugh can't admit that he's skirted the ethics and norms of civilized society because he was brought up in & coddled  and excruciatingly insular and privileged background! Well, Brett, look into the mirror and just admit to yourself - in private - that you are a lying sack-of-shit that --- most likely --- just torpedoed your chances of ever surviving on the Supreme Court! Have another drink, Brett, you're going to need an awful lot of them in the future!!!