Reality & Education: St. Peter's Basilica, Your Turning of Things Upside Down

Published: Jan. 3, 2021, 11:16 p.m.

What is The Holy See? city-state of Vatican 'Holy See' means the see of the bishop of Rome. Therefore, the term refers to the city-state of Vatican because it happens to be the territory in which the Pope resides. The term as used by the United Nations refers not to the city of Vatican but to the government of the Roman Catholic Church Vatican City is the physical or territorial base of the Holy See, almost a pedestal upon which is posed a much larger and unique independent and sovereign authority/rule: that of the Holy See. The State of Vatican City itself also possesses a personality under international law and, as such, enters into international agreements. Countries and Multi-lateral Organizations with which the Holy See has Diplomatic Relations Intergovernmental Organizations and Bodies and International Programmes International and Intergovernmental Organizations Etymology of Basilica: 1540s, "type of building based on the Athenian royal portico, large oblong building with double columns and a semicircular porch at the end," from Latin basilica "building of a court of justice," from Greek (stoa) basilike "royal (portal)," in Athens the portico of the archon basileus, the official who dispensed justice in Athens; from fem. adjective of basileus "king" (see Basil). In Rome, the style of building used for halls of justice, many of which were subsequently appropriated as churches, and so it became a standard plan for new churches. The word is applied to the seven principal Roman churches founded by Constantine. The specific reference to Christian churches --- This episode is sponsored by ยท Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast: