Own the power that you are | Leila Khan

Published: Dec. 13, 2020, 7:59 p.m.

Own the power that you are.

When you are so done with this opinion and that one,

When you are so done with fears stopping you from moving forward with courage,

When you are so done with the comfort zone,

step into deeper self-leadership.

Every time you make a choice that feels: oh so right for you, celebrate that personal leadership.

Every time you raise your standards, uphold them.

Every time you honour your boundaries, own them.

The true power you hold is in you being fully you, let that be the way you lead yourself.

Take ownership of your focus.

Take ownership of your commitment.

Take ownership of your confidence.

Take ownership of your path being your path.

You’ve made it.

The better & more consistently you lead yourself, the more you are supported in your success.

Remember, life is today. You are the hero you’ve been looking for. Leila x

Drop some love if you're stepping UP!

Ps, I work with ambitious, soul-led women who are done with being out of alignment with her true self and is so ready to realign, allow and receive her deepest desires (more money, purpose, love, success).

Spaces are now open for my Rise up 1:1 Mentorship. DM for details and to apply. Your heart knows the way x