Clap for yourself, clap for others! | Leila Khan

Published: April 5, 2021, 9:25 a.m.

Clap for yourself, clap for others!

So you’ve looked at others sharing their results,

Their successes, their progress and

maybe thought ‘what about me?’ Am I doing something wrong? Why am I not where s/he is?

And instead of clapping, your head is in your hands.

Listen for the mic-drop!

And, remember, life is today so follow your heart. It knows the way, Leila x

Do you get caught in the comparison game? Share below.

Ps, If you haven’t already, come and join my free Soul-Led Trailblazers group here:

Pps, I have a new masterclass called Trajectory- On purpose, in your purpose with confidence, conviction and certainty. I’s only £55 early for the first five. DM ‘Trajectory’ for the link!