DHR Health receives statewide recognition from Texas Workforce Commission

Published: Dec. 11, 2020, 11 p.m.


AUSTIN, Texas \\u2013 Doctors Hospital at Renaissance Health System, otherwise known as DHR Health, has been named Large Employer of the Year by the Texas Workforce Commission.

The recognition was made at TWC\\u2019s 24rd Annual Texas Workforce Conference held virtually on December 9.

The Texas Workforce Commission is a state agency dedicated to helping Texas employers, workers and communities prosper economically.

Each of TWC\\u2019s 28 local workforce development boards recognized a Local Employer of Excellence at the virtual conference. The award honors an employer that is actively involved with Texas Workforce Solutions and has made a positive impact on employers, workers and the community.

DHR Health was nominated by Workforce Solutions Lower Rio Grande Valley.

Editor's Note: Go to the Rio Grande Guardian's website to read the full story.

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