000 - Meet Chandra and Sarah

Published: March 2, 2024, 2 p.m.


This podcast was created to offer tools and tips to help you rewrite your story personally, professionally, spiritually, or relationally. Tune in each week as we:

1)\\xa0 \\xa0 Share real life stories

2)\\xa0 \\xa0 See God\\u2019s hand in everything and\\xa0

3)\\xa0 \\xa0 Offer tips and tools to rewrite your story for God\\u2019s glory

In this episode, you will meet Chandra and Sarah, our hosts. Prepare to laugh and enjoy a great conversation as you get to know each of them.

Please share us with a friend and tune in each week for a new episode of Rewrite your Story for God\\u2019s Glory.

Please send comments, questions, or topics to strength4sisters@gmail.com. Thanks!
