Episode 82 | Reclaiming Your Relationship with Faith

Published: July 2, 2018, 12:30 p.m.


I\'ve been eager to get this new episode up and to share this new venture with you. And a little freaked out as well!  I\'ve always related to these words from the T.S. Eliot\'s Four Quartets: 

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

I\'ve experienced this truth in my life many times. And so it wasn\'t surprising to me that after years of rethinking my faith and beliefs that I would find myself back where I started - wanting to share my story with women. I am wired to want to pass on my learning to others. I call myself a \'learning catalyst.\' I like to share resources and have conversations that will help you navigate life transitions and challenges. For me, that includes spirituality and faith.

I am drawn to big questions of life. All of us, wherever we sit in our beliefs are trying to make sense of the world. And many of us have found our faith lacking (my apologies to G.K. Chesterton). So when Jo-Anne decided that her time with Reframe Your Life was coming to an end, I was ready to take it into a new direction. I\'ve been interviewing guests and I\'m starting to see that a new path opening up as I move forward. I hope you will hang in for a little while why I sort it all out. And please give me feedback as well!

 (Photo credit: Jose Antonio Gallego Vazquez)

(Photo credit: Jose Antonio Gallego Vazquez)

I\'m interested in knowing what will be of interest and helpful to you in your life.

On this episode I give you a bit more of my background and how I am refocusing.

Get out your journal! I hope your summer includes some time for reflection. I\'ve created a download for you called "Reclaiming Your Faith." It\'s a one pager with some questions to get you thinking about our relationship with faith. Get it here

Thanks for being on this journey with me! If you know someone who you think would be interested in this conversation please share this podcast with them.
