Ep 11: Sorry Not Sorry

Published: March 18, 2021, 5:18 p.m.

We've got a snappy little episode for you today! Britney Spears has been in the news lately, and if you saw the recent documentary, you likely would have recoiled in disgust at how Ed MacMahon "interviewed" 10 year old Spears. Nuh uh. Elisha and Shannon get HEATED over the dual infantilization and sexualization of young women in the spotlight, and the double standards of celebrity. How girls learn from a very young age to "ask permission" with their language, and how - through actions and words - we're taught that our bodies, thoughts, and power belong to anyone but ourselves. How we skirt around direct communication lest someone think we're a bitch, a nag, or just too extra. Your RTRC hosts want you to pay attention to how you communicate, and advise on how to ditch the ingrained language that trips us up in life. After all, "It's Britney, sorry!" doesn't quite have the same ring.