Changing careers and starting a business w/ Candace Sampson

Published: Nov. 30, 2020, 11 a.m.

Candace Sampson manages the website, podcast, and radio show “What She Said”  ( which aims to inspire and uplift women by giving them a voice in pursuing their professional and personal goals. 


We talk about being an entrepreneur in these trying times, buying a business, and managing her money. Loaded with great tips and how to overcome your fears as you launch into a new career. We talk about how to know your worth, when to ask for help, and how to find your mentors. 


[0:00 - 1:42] Intro


[1:43 - 4:55] Money Mistake - Home Depot time suck, The lightbulb conundrum, a subscription hack for free trials


[4:56 - 8:05] Who is Candace Sampson? What she does and why she does it. 


[8:06 - 9:35] Why did you switch careers? Did you hate your job or see an opportunity? Did you plan the jump or just leap? 


[9:36 - 11:41] How can people know when the right time to move on is from their current job? 


[11:42 - 15:11] Did you build up a cash buffer before you quit? Did you also have an emergency fund?


[15:12 - 17:37] Could I not just move somewhere cheaper to run my own business? Especially with remote work?


[17:38 - 18:53] Do kids influence your decisions around entrepreneurship?


[18:54 - 20:52] How much “stuff” did you need to buy to kick off your business? What sort of investment goes into your success? 


[20:53 - 23:21] What are things entrepreneurs forget to budget for? How do you manage fluctuations of money without a steady paycheque?


[23:22 - 24:55] Did you forget to budget for anything? Any surprise expenses that came up? 


[24:56 - 26:32] Does every entrepreneur need social media to survive through the changing environment? 


[26:33 - 28:06] How do you properly compensate yourself? How do you decide what’s fair? How do you know your worth? How do you determine your value? 


[28:07 - 29:46]  Is price negotiation a constant battle? How do you overcome people doubting your pricing? 

[29:47 - 35:22] How do you find a mentor? Who do you turn to for advice and help? 


[35:23 - 39:09] Rapid Fire Questions: What’s in your wallet? What’s a book everyone should read?  What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made? Could be an investment of money, time, energy, etc. What’s your “number” - to live independently wealthy and life on your own terms?  What’s next for you? How can people get in touch with you? 


[39:10 - 40:02] Thank you and Outro