Veto before you Go Go w/Amy McGath #ColonelsOfTruth

Published: April 7, 2022, 1:54 a.m.

Aaron and Nate point out a couple of bills sitting on the Governor’s desk that we’re hoping to see him use his veto pen on before the legislature returns on April 13th for their final two days of session, to override any vetoes that they can before they adjourn for the year. Kimberly brings us the news we need in under 5 minutes, THEN, we’re very excited to share Aaron's interview with Amy McGrath - - updating you on what this patriot has been up to since her two campaigns that shook up the KY political establishment. We then close with our action and events calendar & a few key in-person opportunities to create a more compassionate commonwealth.

Show notes:

Bring your gun to court! HB690

SB 205 - Fossil fools in the lege - boycott the energy boycott boycott

News under 5

Mitch hates free school lunches: Happy to have 30 million kids go hungry:

Medical marijuana is dead in Kentucky -

Amy McGrath interview:

CALL TO ACTION & events calendar!

Urge the Governor to veto SB 205 and HB 690! You can use this form to do it easily online:

Help pack the Capitol and tell politicians to keep bans off our bodies! If the governor vetoes HB 3, we expect the KYGA to attempt to override the veto on April 13, immediately putting the law into effect. When this happens, Kentucky will be the FIRST STATE IN THE COUNTRY TO COMPLETELY LOSE ACCESS TO ABORTION CARE! This is our LAST chance to have our voices heard! Meet inside the Capitol, outside of the House chambers, at 10:30 a.m. Wear your Planned Parenthood or repro rights gear as we remind legislators that Kentuckians oppose this attack on repro freedom. Register at

Join us Progress Kentucky! There’s a couple ways to Let us know you want to get more involved: You can send an email to and we’ll plug you in to turning our commonwealth purple OR you can come meet the organizing committee meeting Next Monday, April 11 in Lexington - West 6th - at 7pm

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