How to optimize listing on Amazon in 2021? - - 4 steps

Published: Feb. 24, 2021, 7:12 p.m.

How to optimize listing on Amazon in 2021? It is the next step of How to list products on Amazon in 2021 and the fifth step of How to sell on Amazon There are a few basic elements of great Amazon listings that drive sales. They have: SEO-driven keywords Detailed product descriptions Scannable formatting Engaging visuals Therefore your listing will be in top shape with all of the content it needs to drive sales. Seo-Driven Keywords Search engine optimization (SEO) is the key to driving buyers to your Amazon listing. Indeed, it ranks your listing high in search results so that your product is highly visible to buyers. Amazon’s search engine and outside search engines interpret the keywords you place in your listing. Also, it determine whether your product is a relevant search result. The trick is to include keywords in your listing that your buyers are frequently searching. Therefore that way your listing is ranked high where it matters. Say, for example, you’re selling a speaker and want to rank for the highly searched keyword “Bluetooth,” a key feature of the product. You would include “Bluetooth” throughout your product listing so search engines tie your item to that term in search results. There are plenty of online resources for finding highly searched keywords. You can use our SEO guide to learn more about the best keyword tools out there. Loading your listing with frequently searched keywords used to lead to higher rankings, but search engines today penalize the old practice of keyword stuffing. With improved technology, search engines can now detect when keywords are being placed in a non-helpful, out-of-context way. To avoid lower rankings, we recommend moderately including keywords in relevant areas of your listing. Here are a few recommendations: Include target keywords in your product title. Avoid overloading your title with keywords, though— this will make your listing look like spam to buyers and search engines. Instead, stick to your most essential keyword phrases. Distribute your keywords consistently and evenly. We recommend including target keywords two to three times throughout your listing and spreading them out every 100 to 200 words. Use variations of your target keywords. If you are targeting “purple phone case,” for example, you’d also want to use phrases like “phone cases that are purple” or “purple-colored phone cases.” Consistently include keywords in spots where they’re relevant, and you’ll boost your listing’s visibility and drive more buyers to your optimized product listing on Amazon. Detailed Product Information Your product description is like the salesman on the shop floor. Therefore, it has to gain the buyer’s trust by explaining product information while also sparking shoppers’ curiosity and interest in the item. First and foremost, your product description should be comprehensive and accurate. Making false promises about your product may win a sale initially. In the long-term, though, the buyer will most likely return the item, and your seller reputation can be harmed. A buyer can file an Amazon A-to-Z guarantee claim if you deliver a product that doesn’t match its description, which causes your seller ODR (order defect rate) to increase. Beyond including basic product information, a great listing description also takes into account buyers’ motivations. Instead of just listing product features, highlight the benefits of your item that your key customers will care about the most. For example, say you’re selling a mobile phone with Bluetooth 4.2. As a customer, this technical spec isn’t emotionally powerful— I’m much more invested in the function of Bluetooth, being able to connect my phone to other devices. To grab my interest, a description of the product might look something like this: “The Bluetooth V4.2 ensures your device is compatible with a broad range of devices while providing faster data transfer.” Your buyers’ eyes won’t glaze over ...